New address

Former flatmates, and any of you who have ever sent me anything via snail mail, will have learned that I suck royally at checking my mailbox. Combine that with a year of hopping between apartments, and I decided it was time to fix that by buying a virtual office. Now you can send stuff to me at the following address, and it will be automatically scanned and emailed to me so that I will actually see it more often than once every three months 🙂 There are lots of these services available, but I’m using ClevverMail, a local Berlin based company since they can provide me with a local address and are affordable for those of us who receive minimal amounts of mail.

Ryan Hellyer
Borsigstraße 9
10115 Berlin

Here is a postcard I sent to myself to test out the service. They did miss the “t” and “e” off of “testing”, but it at least arrived and I can see what it is. You can see the original PDF they sent me here.

2 thoughts on “New address

  1. Anton Roder says:

    This is certainly interesting. I didn’t even know these types of services existed. Of course it makes sense now that you’ve told me about it.

    • Ryan says:

      They’ve been around for a while. They seem to be particularly popular here in Germany where people are obsessed with paper work. The electronic mail revolution doesn’t seem to have made it’s way here yet 😉

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