Meija shrine

I saw a massive swathe of people walking along a pathway in Tokyo, so I followed them. After a slow 30 min walk, I ended up at the Meija shrine. The interesting thing wasn’t the shrine itself, but the incredible behaviour of the crowd. Thousands of people all walked in beautiful unison along the path, with no pushing or attempts to cut in line. It was an incredible thing to see and a beautiful example of differences between Japanese culture and my own.

Meiji shrine

Meiji shrine

Meiji shrine

Food court

Arrowtown Chinese settlement

I visited the historic Chinese settlement in Arrowtown, New Zealand. The settlement consists of old huts built by Chinese immigrants who came to New Zealand seeking gold. The huts are a little crude, but I’m sure would have kept the miners warm in the cold winter months with the help of plenty of firewood.

Chinese settlement in Arrowtown

Chinese settlement in Arrowtown

Chinese settlement in Arrowtown