
This amazing little puma was locked in a tiny little cage at Cheetah Rock wildlife sanctuary. This looked harsh, but his carers explained that he had been injured when sent from a zoo to their sanctuary as he didn’t cope well with being caged like that. So they were training him to be around humans whilst locked in a small cage, so that he wouldn’t injure himself in transit again. He had to make another trip to his final destination in South Africa.


We saw this adorable lemur at the Cheetah Rock wildlife sanctuary.

Cheetah’s at Cheetah Rock

Basia and I visited Cheetah Rock, an animal sanctuary in Zanzibar. Unsurprisingly, a cheetah is the main attraction. This particular Cheetah will never be able to return to the wild due to being too domesticated, but this thankfully meant that we were allowed to pet him. I took over camera duties rather than petting the Cheetah 🙂

Stuck in the Serengeti

One would think that when you’ve driven past a bunch of lions, cheetahs, hyena’s and other scary animals, that one would panic when your vehicle gets stuck in the mud. But our trusty driver had no hesitation in hopping out to assist another stricken vehicle. After a while, we got bored just sitting around, so we all plowed out of the truck to stretch our legs for a bit. I remember standing there and pointing out that there could be a lion just chilling out nearby, but for some reason the lackadaisical approach of our driver spread to the rest of us, and we all just stood there calmly watching on as the 4WD experts tackled the issue at hand. We did not get eaten 🙂