Brianna and I went to Fairy Falls near Auckland.
Colouring masterpiece
Self driving bus
I took my very first ride on a self driving bus! It wasn’t very smart, and it often got confused and once even stopped because a leaf blew in front of it. But it was still cool to experience this technology first hand. Hopefully I’ll be reading this again in the future, whilst whizzing across town in a self-driving bus and laughing about how quaint it was back in the days when humans were trusted to drive vehicles manually.
Coworking in Poznan
Congratulations Auntie Vera
One of my favourite humans made it to 100 years of age recently; my Great Auntie Vera. I was planning to visit her next month, but after a strong charge through life, she left us before my visit. Thankfully I got to sit down for a big long chat the last time I visited 🙂
When I was growing up, she was one of the few people who would sit and listen to me, take me seriously, then provide feedback or advice. She showed kindness I’d never seen before. My Grandma (her sister) was extremely unwell, and she just dropped her own life temporarily and moved towns to look after her until her death. I wasn’t able to return the favour for her since I wasn’t in the country at the time, but thankfully her wonderful family looked after her 🙂 Her lessons of being kind to everyone will live with me for a life time.
Goodbye Auntie Vera. You are missed, but never forgotten.

Thanks to Shainey, who I borrowed the photo from 🙂