Michelle and I visited the Stasi Museum in Lichtenberg, Berlin. The museum is based in the old Stasi head offices.
Adjusting my camera
Brisetal hike
Architecture in Vienna
My first solo home!
I bought a new camera :)
Out with the “proper” camera and in with the GoPro 🙂 I remember seeing these when they first came out. I was super jealous, as I had attempted to make action cameras out of old camera parts before and the quality was nothing like as good as these fancy new GoPro things. Unfortunately their price was stupidly high too. The price is still stupidly high, but I’m not as poor now, and the quality is even better. After the death of my old Canon G1X, I realised that I really enjoyed having an indestructible easy to use camera which I could use at any time and anywhere, hence I decided to upgrade from my little Mobius to a GoPro Hero Silver and don’t have any immediate plans to replace my old “proper” camera.
Thanks to Mo for taking the picture of me, and Anna for posing for the giant eye shot.