
A group of us headed by bike to Werder, a small town south of Berlin to the Baumblütenfest (blossom festival) there. We got to try black current, rhubarb wines 🙂

Beth snapping pictures of the country side

Beth snapping pictures of the country side

Our cycling group, enroute to Baumblütenfest

Our cycling group, enroute to Baumblütenfest

Me (Ryan Hellyer)! Photo was stolen from Natalie :)

Me (Ryan Hellyer)! Photo was stolen from Natalie 🙂

Beth enjoying the ride

Beth enjoying the ride

Dick angels?

Dick angels?


The Beelitz-Heilstätten military hospital I went to during a recent cycling trip is a good example of where some common sense is, well, sensible! Most of it is totally safe, but there are some areas which looked horrendously dangerous. If you go to the area, please watch out for collapsed roofs, dodgy railings and bad staircases. All of the staircases we used seemed okay, but we were very careful making our way around as one bad step could be fatal.





