Welcome to the glamorous Beelitz-Heilstätten lecture theatre. Despite many years of abandonment, I think this place still has better insulation and seating than most of the lecture theatres I remember from my years at university.
Tegler See
Beelitz-Heilstätten graffiti
I’ve been to quite a few abandoned places now. But Beelitz-Heilstätten is definitely the biggest. It’s also one of the most remote as there’s not a lot else in the area. I think the size and remoteness has resulted in a lot less vandalism and graffiti inside the buildings. There were some interesting creations though, including instructions to trespass (check) and to teach children to worship Satan. The Satan comment was painted at the front of a large grand lecture hall.
Eclipse of the sun
Akershus festning
I visited Akershus festning, a medieval castle built in the 1290’s in Oslo, Norway.
New address
Former flatmates, and any of you who have ever sent me anything via snail mail, will have learned that I suck royally at checking my mailbox. Combine that with a year of hopping between apartments, and I decided it was time to fix that by buying a virtual office. Now you can send stuff to me at the following address, and it will be automatically scanned and emailed to me so that I will actually see it more often than once every three months 🙂 There are lots of these services available, but I’m using ClevverMail, a local Berlin based company since they can provide me with a local address and are affordable for those of us who receive minimal amounts of mail.
Ryan Hellyer
Borsigstraße 9
10115 Berlin
Here is a postcard I sent to myself to test out the service. They did miss the “t” and “e” off of “testing”, but it at least arrived and I can see what it is. You can see the original PDF they sent me here.