View from the top Some photos from once we reached the highest point of our hiking trip in Sächsische Schweiz. Me at the top. This photo’s URL was modified, because I didn’t want my fat gut showing up at the top of a Google search 😉
View near top Some photos of the beautiful scenery in Sächsische Schweiz, taken during my recent hiking trip there.
Strausberger hike I went on a cool little hiking trip in Strausberger today, just outside of Berlin. Special thanks to Annick for organising an awesome trip 🙂
Crazy choppers So apparently choppers can be acrobatic, who would’ve thought! I saw these Apache helicopters at the Berlin airshow.
Hiking in Sächsische Schweiz Some more photos from our hiking in trip in Sächsische Schweiz. These are from the trip up the hill.
Mikoyan MiG-29 I saw a Mikoyan MiG-29 at the Berlin airshow. These were considered a huge threat to our way of life when I was a kid. These days, they’re old and not considered cutting edge anymore. It was incredible to see one up close though.