Prague is a beautiful city with amazing architecture. I went there to attend WordCamp Praha 2014 and had a really nice time being shown around my personal tour guide Casey 🙂
Being a bum, Berlin style
Prague by night
Berlin zoo
I was walking along the street one day, minding my own business. Nek minit I look through a fence and see an elephant! It turned out I’d stumbled across the Berlin zoo. Below are some photos I took whilst there.
Skiing 2014
I went on a (cross-country) skiing trip in Nordmarka, just outside of Oslo. We stayed at Kobberhaughytta, an awesome little cabin in the woods. It turns out that my skiing skills have not improved much since last year, and so the downhill bits were a strange combination of halarity combined with fear!
Thanks to Ingvild for organising everything for us 🙂