Store Gryta

Morten and I headed to Store Gryta to find some ice to skate on. Unfortunately it was a little thin, so we stopped for a short food break where I tried Julebrød med brun øst (Norwegian Christmas bread with brown cheese), a traditional Christmas time snack around these parts.

Frozen saft!

This is a lesson in why you should always pack hot water when travelling outdoors in Oslo 😉

This was a yummy bottle full of forest berry flavoured saft (Norwegian drink flavouring stuff, kinda like cordial) before leaving home; 60 minutes later and it became a saft slushy!

The photo was taken on Kringlevann.

Skating on Sognsvann

After having a such a terrific time out ice skating the night before, I headed back to Sognsvann in the morning to try out the ice during the daylight. There was a little more snow and the surface had roughened up a little, but still an amazing days skating in the great outdoors. It is terrific being able to catch public transport from my home all the way to such an amazing chunk of ice.