Trip to Hoffmans dam

Whilst staying in Naseby for a hockey tournament, Dave Patchett, myself and Chris Laing walked up in the snow to Hoffman’s dam. The dam was frozen, but not enough to skate on.

Chris Laing chilling out beside the dam

Dave Patchett admiring the ice on Hoffman's dam

Northern Lights

Harriet Geoghegan and I headed north to the city of Tromsø in northern Norway. Our goal was to see the northern lights, and we duly did 🙂 At first this seemed unlikely as Tromsø was shrouded in cloud, but our friendly northern lights tour guide drove us most of the way to Finland in an attempt to find clear skies. There was still cloud, and apparently what light we could see wasn’t as bright as it often is, but sure enough we saw some green lights bobbing about in the sky as can be seen in the photos below.

Mental note: Take a tripod next time!