Some views of the Matukituki valley taken during a tramping trip with Chris Laing on New Years eve 2010.
Road trip to Christchurch
I spent a day packing boxes of lunches for the student volunteer army in Christchurch. We managed to prepare over 17,000 lunches 🙂 We in fact prepared so many, that they wouldn’t all fit in the truck being used to transport them to Christchurch, and so Ed Waite and myself carted them up in Ed’s Landcruiser.
Night out with the stars
Night out with Sushi
Great night out with my new flatmate Sushi, Rose, Jordy and Amy.
Mt St John
Christchurch quake
During the hour after the earthquake in Christchurch on February 22nd 2011, the major New Zealand news sites were suffering overloading/performance problems, so this post was used to distribute photos until the news network sites became usable again.