I visited Frognerparken, a popular park in Oslo which features a bunch of strange looking statues.
Visit from Kerry
My lovely friend Kerry came to visit me in Oslo 🙂 We went to the local ski jump, but were met with a gloriously wonderful array of fog, fog and a little more fog.
Pizza with Harriet and Anita
Dinner with Harriet and Anita. We nommed down a ridiculous amount of pizza at which point it suddenly dawned on me that I now consider a $100 bottle of wine to be cheap!
I competed in the Sentrumsløpet today, a 10 km running race around the streets of Oslo. I am the fattest I have been in my life, I am the most out of shape I’ve ever been in my life, I am nursing an achilles heal injury and rather insanely decided that competing in this thing […]
Bob Skywalker
We have a new member of our office. His name is Bob Skywalker.
Kiwis in Kiwi!
So I moved to the other side of the planet, and one of the first shops I see is called “Kiwi”!!! So I walk in, expecting to see nothing but Kiwi paraphernalia, sheep, rugby crap, buzzy bees etc. and what do I find? … groceries. Groceries, groceries and a few more groceries. Why do they […]