Better late than never. This was from last year 🙂 Download video
With Brianna at Purakenui falls
Self driving bus
I took my very first ride on a self driving bus! It wasn’t very smart, and it often got confused and once even stopped because a leaf blew in front of it. But it was still cool to experience this technology first hand. Hopefully I’ll be reading this again in the future, whilst whizzing across […]
Coworking in Poznan
I headed to Poznan for a few days of coworking with Madhvi, Craig, Aleksandra and Katrin 🙂
Meeting R2D2
I met R2D2 today. He seems like a pretty swell guy. I was surprised how big he is, but I guess it makes sense that he’s a bit chunk since Kenny Baker needed to fit inside him.
Visiting Sanssouci with Llynn
A video clip from a visit with Llynn to Sanssouci, a palace/park complex in Potsdam.