I played in a social outdoor ice hockey tournament in Tuscany, Calgary with some guys I met at the Olympic Oval a while back. The event was great, ice wasn’t the best as a chinook (easterly wind) was blowing through, but it was a heap of fun and I hope to compete in an event […]
Olympic Oval
The Olympic Oval at the University of Calgary is the best ice rink I’ve ever seen! Two full international sized hockey rinks within the confines of a full long track speed skating rink! I played hockey there at lunch times a lot and I had power skating and hockey lessons there as well. Plus I […]
Skating in the Rockies
For Christmas, my friend Mike Boyle took me ice skating in the Rocky Mountains 🙂 The weather was great, well as great as minus 20 degrees can be, and there was HEAPS of ice. Unfortunately there was a tad too much snow to make skating viable. [MEDIA=23]
Beautiful neighbourhood skating pond
A beautiful skating pond near my home in Calgary.
Christmas turkey
Well what do you do when you’re stuck in a strange foreign land on Christmas day? You have a Christmas orphans dinner that’s what! Gregor and I bought a turkey, got a bunch of other foreigners (Gregor’s from Oz) and then we deep fried the little bugger – the turkey, not the foreigners! The locals […]
Skating at Olympic Plaza
Ice skating at the Olympic Plaza in Calgary, Canada.