I went ice skating in Berlin today 🙂 Beautiful super thick super hard ice. I had the whole lake to myself except when a dad asked me if it was safe for his daughter to hop on for a photo opportunity. To my Berlin friends: Don’t try this unless you know what you are doing. […]
Inline skating in Tiergarten

Inline skating in Tiergarten. Not the best place to choose, but it was a pleasant day out 🙂
Tempelhof heat

Some idiot decided it was a good idea to go test out his new inline skates at 34° C! This was the hottest day of the year so far.
I made my first attempt at playing Bandy. For those of you who aren’t aware of what Bandy is, it is a sport which is similar to regular hockey, but is played with 11 players on each side on a huge soccer field sized ice rink with very low boards. The stick is much shorter […]
Store Gryta
Morten and I headed to Store Gryta to find some ice to skate on. Unfortunately it was a little thin, so we stopped for a short food break where I tried Julebrød med brun øst (Norwegian Christmas bread with brown cheese), a traditional Christmas time snack around these parts.
Skating on Setertjern
My new skating Morten kindly drove us to Setertjern for some ice skating. 50 mm of nice hard, smooth ice 🙂 There was a swiffle of snow on the top, but nothing major.