Intramural Finals

Here’s some videos from the finals of the University of Calgary Intramural B-grade and A-grade non-contact hockey leagues.

First up are the Stubble Jumpers (the winners). I often played at lunch time with a bunch of these guys and they were pretty pumped to win the B-grade.


The next video is of the A-grade. The white team is the “individuals team” which my friend Janay Magowan played for who also won 🙂 Janay is the short fast one with the yellow socks.


Team Group Velocity

Somehow I managed to end up on the University of Calgary physics hockey team! They were short on players so I signed up and dragged along Janay with me. We had the stunningly geeky name of “Team Group Velocity”. The team was a hotch potch of various levels. We competed in the University of Calgary Intramural B-grade hockey league.


Outdoor hockey in Tuscany

I played in a social outdoor ice hockey tournament in Tuscany, Calgary with some guys I met at the Olympic Oval a while back. The event was great, ice wasn’t the best as a chinook (easterly wind) was blowing through, but it was a heap of fun and I hope to compete in an event like this again some time. We were called the Shabangs.


Me (Ryan Hellyer) stopping in front of my own goalie in the Tuscany outdoor ice hockey tournament

Olympic Oval

The Olympic Oval at the University of Calgary is the best ice rink I’ve ever seen! Two full international sized hockey rinks within the confines of a full long track speed skating rink!

I played hockey there at lunch times a lot and I had power skating and hockey lessons there as well. Plus I played in the University of Calgary B-grade Intramural hockey league for Team Group Velocity (I was a ring-in for the Physics department team).

The Olympic Oval

The Olympic Oval