20 millionth birthminute

It is with great joy that I can proudly say I have managed to not kill myself for 20 million minutes 🙂 I turned 20 million minutes old just now 🙂

I’d like to firstly thank my mum and dad for giving me the skills necessary in life to avoid walking in front of cars and eating poisoned food.

Secondly I’d like to thank my friends, most notably Chris Laing who has kindly chosen not to execute me (yet?) and all the other wonderful people who have convinced me to be careful when crossing the street.


I attended WordCamp Europe, a conference about WordPress, in Sofia Bulgaria in 2014. These photos have been kicking around on my computer since then, so I figured it was time I published them 🙂 The one in the car is from an epic road trip with Milan Ivanovich from Sofia to Belgrade.


I rescued my best childhood friend, Ted, from my parents place. According to my mum, I was very upset that he had no pants, so my mum made pants for him and gave them to me for Christmas 🙂 Later on, she made him the little Greatest American Hero suit which he is still wearing today 🙂

His official name was Hot Dog, but he was always known as Ted.

We went on many adventures together. He get lost in Arthur Barnetts, and wanted to be like the guy from the Greatest American Hero, so I used to throw him across the room so that he could fly.