Trip to Kikustua

Some photos from a recent cycling trip to Kikustua with Nora and Karl.

Bjørnsjøen with Karl, Nora and Andreas


Brasov walking tour

If you are ever in Brasov, Transylvania, I highly recommend taking the free walking tour. Half the people on the tour were Kiwis and the other half were Australians or American.

Stephy, a lovely American girl from the hostel I stayed at.

The Brasov walking tour group photo


We had a great trip to Ulsrudvannet on Saturday. A totally normal swim in a torrential downpour, some thunder, some lightning, followed by beautiful sunshine 🙂

Unfortunately the rain ruined most of my photos and only the following remain. The ones from the really rainy period were nothing more than a blur :/

Ronald, Leah, Marco, Milan



Mud river



Ronald, Milan, Marco with Jamie in front.