Vor Frelsers Kirke

Harriet and I saw the strange looking spire of “Vor Frelsers Kirke” in København so decided to take a closer look. It turned out you can walk to the top, so we did 🙂 If you are ever in Denmark I definitely recommend heading up there as there’s a great view of the city from the top.






I wrote a Norwegian translation of this post which you can view here.

W00p w00p, Norway!

w00p w00p w00p! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


I just had a panicked morning as I realised my old work visa had expired. I’d been looking at the wrong date in my visa when working out when I was going to get booted from Norway. Fast forward a few extremely worried hours, and I managed to phone up UDI (government people) who after 20 mins on the phone were able to tell me that not only have I been granted a new work visa (which I’d been told I could only apply for one year at a time) has been granted, and not only that, but it’s been extended to 2016 🙂

And you Norwegians thought you were gonna get rid of me 😛 Ya’ll are stuck with me till 2016 now! Muahaha!

Relax, this is totally normal in Norway.

Spring barbecue in Norway

Everyone says that spring in Norway is beautiful. So we decided to celebrate it by having a barbecue by the lake at a balmy -3°. We also discovered that putting a baby disposable barbecue on a wooden bench is not such a good idea, unless of course you want to barbecue your food with the table itself.

Nora and Milan preparing the table top barbecue

Nora and Milan preparing the table top barbecue

Milan and I enjoying the warmth from our baby barbecues. Thanks to Nora for this photo.

Milan and I enjoying the warmth from our baby barbecues

Oslo in spring

The results of barbecuing on the tabletop

Nora and Milan

Nora and Milan