I went to Trollvann, a beautiful little lake in the hills above Oslo. The place was swarming with families out enjoying the beautiful Norwegian summer.
Movatn with Ingvild and Marte
The lovely Ingvild and Marte invited me to stay at their awesome little cottage in the woods. It overlooks a beautiful little lake called Movatn. The weather gods were angry that evening, but we were nice and cosy and downed some yummy seafood chowder followed by a healthy dose of ice cream and chocolate sauce 🙂
Linderudkollen hoppsenter
Whilst cycling on the weekend I stumbled across a well known Norwegian past-time … ski jumping. These crazy Norwegian nutcases launch themselves off stupidly steep ramps whilst on skis. Apparently doing it in the winter is not enough, and so some of the craziest ones resort to doing it on an even crazier plastic hill during the summer months.
Here is the result …
The jumper did get up. Nothing more than damaged pride.
The photos were taken at Linderudkollen hoppsenter near Oslo, Norway.
Oslo at 1:15am
Cycle touring in/near Oslo
It seems people are fascinated about where I end up on my weekends, so here are some snaps from a couple of weeks ago. I ended up somewhat lost during a cycling trip as I forgot my phone so had no Google maps, I had an awful map which barely showed any detail and I forgot my compass to boot, so kept losing my bearings. I eventually ended up sitting beside an awesome lake called Nøklevannet; I didn’t take any photos whilst there because there were girls bouncing around in bikini’s everywhere and so I didn’t want to look like the creepy guy taking photos of them (plus I was too busy staring at boobs to take photos). It ended up being a 40 km round trip, including lots of detours attempting to find something interesting. Next time I will take a good map, compass, phone and figure out where the heck I’m going first 🙂