Nadia and I visited Albufeira, a small seaside tourist town in Portugal. Nice views. Nice beach. Nice weather. Nice company.
Public urination in Norway
I assumed that going to the toilet in public was relegated to third world countries, but it seems it is totally acceptable in Norway!
Ørfiske with Marte
I went cycling around Ørfiske north of Oslo, Norway with my friend Marte.
Cycling above Maridalsvannet
More photos from my cycling trips 🙂 This time it’s Maridalsvannet from above.
Movatn with Ingvild and Marte
The lovely Ingvild and Marte invited me to stay at their awesome little cottage in the woods. It overlooks a beautiful little lake called Movatn. The weather gods were angry that evening, but we were nice and cosy and downed some yummy seafood chowder followed by a healthy dose of ice cream and chocolate sauce […]
WordCamp Edinburgh
In case anyone wasn’t already aware, I’m somewhat obsessed with a piece of software called “WordPress”. My occupation now revolves around WordPress and I voluntarily let it suck up an inordinate amount of my time. I attended a conference called “WordCamp Edinburgh”, which is by far the biggest WordPress conference I’ve ever attended. I met […]