When I attended my friends Ingvild and Marte’s wedding, I was repeatedly asked what I thought of Norwegian weddings.
When I attended my friends Ingvild and Marte’s wedding, I was repeatedly asked what I thought of Norwegian weddings.
I had the privilege of attending my lovely friends Marte and Ingvild’s wedding last weekend. The beautiful brides were married just north of Oslo.
Some soppy lovey dovey pics from the wedding of Stu and Lauren McLennan in Hobart Tasmania.
I have no idea why, but for some strange reason people tend to look at me a bit funny sometimes. Please leave a comment below if you think you might know why … Photos taken at the wedding of Stu and Lauren McLennan in Hobart, Tasmania.
Liz McLennan kindly stuck flowers on us at Stu and Lauren McLennan’s wedding.