Edmonton City

I was planning to catch a bus around Edmonton but I met a local called John Arnieri on the way there from Jasper who kindly took me on a tour of the city. Random acts of kindness like this are very appreciated. Thank you very much John 🙂

The photo below is of the Alberta Legislature building which is one of the most famous pieces of architecture in Edmonton.

Edmonton Legislature building

San Francisco

What an awesome place! People everywhere, nice weather, lots of stuff to see and lots of stuff to do. I could totally live here 🙂 Although I suspect the cost of living would be astronomical unless you lived way out in the wop wops.

Me (Ryan Hellyer) on the steepest street in San Francisco

There’s some seriously steep hills in San Francisco. The photo above is of me standing on the steepest one. They’re still a little shy of the gradient of our mighty Baldwin St in Dunedin though.

Worlds Crookedest street

They do have the worlds crookedest street in San Francisco though. People have skated down it before, I considered trying, but there was too much traffic and surface was made up of horrible knobbly cobble stones.


Vancouver is a wonderful place I highly recommend visiting if you get the chance. The weather was awesome while I was there. Stanley Park is a huge park area right beside the city center which I skated around while there. I hope to go back to Vancouver some day, might even consider getting a job there if I can.

Panorama of Vancouver

Beach on the side of Stanley Park in Vancouver

The shore on the side of Stanley Park in Vancouver

Seagull in Vancouver

I kept wondering what these crazily bright coloured but very common birds were in Vancouver. It turns out they’re just Seagulls! I felt a little silly when I found out 😛 This particular shot took about 500 attempts to get. Those darn birds move way to fast!

Seagull at Robson Square in Vancouver