George St school

This was where I learned to play hockey! A random question by someone at the staff club one night about making a chemistry inline hockey team prompted me to go buy a stick, a pair of inline hockey skates and the rest is history! A life long (so far) obsession with hockey was born and I haven’t looked back since.

I’m the guy hunched over in the blue uniform about to take the faceoff.

Ryan Hellyer: George St school inline hockey

Videos of George St school

Check out the video footage from the mighty home of both the Dunedin Aces and Otago University Falcons inline hockey teams. Note the high quality gravel smooth flesh tearing surface 😛


An interview with John Thomsen who is world famous (within Dunedin Aces members) for scoring us a goal against the mighty Nelson Whalers.


Peewee PW5990

My first ever car, a Honda Civic 25i. My mum nicknamed it Peewee due to the number plate (PW5990). By some miracle it was still in working order by the time I sold it despite having the bajeesus thrashed out of it on a regular basis.

PeeWee Honda Civic

Liverpool Bivvy

My first major tramping experience. Myself, Andy Helm, Maree Helm and Vanessa Green headed up the Matukituki valley towards Mt Aspring, then detoured up a ridiculously steep incline. The map showed that we were only travelling 200 m from the bottom to the top of the incline, however that was only the horisontal distance, the contour lines showed that it was an 800 m vertical climb to the top! This was before I started playing any sport whatsoever, so my fitness was almost zero. But I made it to the top where there was a spectacular view up the Matukituki valley towards Mt Aspring.

Start of the trip


A bit further


Dip in the water


Getting near the bottom of the hill


Beautiful river


Bottom of the hill


Liverpool Bivvy hut


Liverpool Bivvy hut from afar

BSc Graduation

Ick, graduation, the most BORING experience ever. I was graduating for my Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry. Here’s some pics of Michelle and I at my graduation dinner.

MSc Graduation - Ryan Hellyer and Michelle

MSc Graduation - Ryan Hellyer and Michelle

I can’t remember who gave me the photos, but thanks to whoever it was!

I graduated in absentia for my Master of Science degree so no photos for that one sorry.