Black eye

Dang nabbit this hurt! Andrew Wiffen and I had a miscommunication during a baseball game and we collided. Unfortunately he put his elbow up to protect himself and took out my eye in the process! Mum decided it wasn’t painful enough already and tortured me further by taking photos of it.

Ryan Hellyer with black eye

Black eye
Black eye
Black eye

Me and Jamie Harvey

Me and Jamie Harvey

Holes at Toko Mouth

Here are my holes from the mid-late 1980’s … actually, they’re not meant to be holes, the adults just didn’t get it. What I was trying to do was to create a barrier of sand so big that I could sit on the beach and watch the waves crash around me. It never worked very well (duh!) but I did build some rather large barriers in a vain attempt to stop the ocean. Wasted youth :p

Ryan's hole/barrier

Ryan's hole/barrier

Ryan's hole/barrier