
I separated from the rest of the crew after leaving Tasmania and explored Melbourne on my own. I took my roller hockey skates with me so could cover heaps of ground in minimal time 🙂

Melbourne City Skyline

Rod Laver Arena

The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG)

I jumped the barrier stopping the traffic from getting on to the Albert Park formula 1 track (which was being constructed a the time) and started timing myself to see how long it took me to skate around the track. Unfortunately I only made it about a kilometer down the track before one of the marshalls chased me down and told me to get the hell off the track 🙁

Albert Park Formula 1 track

Albert Park lake. Melbourne skyline in the background.

People in Hobart

Whilst surfing my backups I found these photos from my trip to Hobart in 2007. The first two are from a trip with Kelly Kilpin, Lisa McClintock and Vicki Argyle on a boat in Hobart. The second two are from dinner that night at Sals restaurant.

Kelly Kilpin and Lisa McClintock on the water in Hobart

Kelly Kilpin and Lisa McClintock on the water in Hobart

Vicki on the water in Hobart

Vicki on the water in Hobart

Vicki at Sals in Hobart

Vicki at Sals in Hobart

Vicki surfing another whale

Vicki surfing another whale

Hastings Caves

Vicky Argyle, Tasha Munro, Lisa McClintock and I all ventured south from Hobart to visit the Hastings Caves. The caves are truly spectacular and you can get some wonderful pictures inside. There’s a sign outside saying you aren’t allowed to use a tripod, but the guide told me it was okay as long as I didn’t hold the tour up 🙂 There were all sorts of creepy crawlies inside, although getting pictures of them was difficult as I wasn’t allowed to use a flash and they usually moved before I could get my tripod setup.

Spider inside the Hastings caves

View of the roof of the Hastings Cave

The Hastings caves

Below is what the Hastings Caves look like if yer spinning round in circles – I dropped my camera 😛

View from my camera when dropped in Hastings Caves

The bush outside the caves was very dense and full of wildlife including Wallabies, possums and the occasional Tasha and Lisa.

Natasha Munro and Lisa McClintock outside the Hastings Caves