I learned a valuable lesson recently. You should never agree to move into a new apartment without seeing it first, no matter how temporary the arrangement may be!
Ma nu room
I’m staying in a totally sweet new flat in Berlin. I found out about it from an old acquaintance from my years at Corstorphine school, Caroline van Zyl.
Room for rent in Oslo

I moved into my current apartment because I knew I would have awesome flatmates. Three awesome girls and a cool guy. My room is 23 m2, ie: very big! I am moving out because I am moving to Berlin. If you know of any males looking for a room to rent or are looking for […]
More photos from Charlotte’s birthday bash
Room for rent in Oslo!

Two awesome chicks, a cool Swedish dude and an unknown girl I haven’t met yet. However it is insanely huge and I have no use for all of that space.
Random flat photos from 2011
Some random photos that I didn’t know where else to put …